This website is solely about gaming chairs. But you will also find office/gaming chair reviews and comparisons as well as buying guides.
With the growing popularity of gaming in general we found that there wasn’t a dedicated resource to help with choosing the right gaming chair.
So we decided to create one bringing you the latest reviews on the most popular chairs for gaming!
Our team love playing games. Be it Xbox, PlayStation or PC. With a wide variety of ages, skills and knowledge across the team, we are able to bring you our unique opinions on what’s hot and what’s not in the world of gaming chairs.
We spend hours conducting research on many of the top products on the market. We endeavor to post our findings on this site in order to help consumers such as yourself make the best purchasing decisions possible.
If you enjoy what you read please leave us a comment on any of the reviews in order to help others be better informed with their purchasing decisions.
If you have any questions you can contact us, we would love to hear from you.
– Gaming Chair Reviews Team